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SCRM 2020, San Pietroburgo (Russia)

Giugno 18, 2020 - Giugno 19, 2020

3rd Global Summit On Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine

Scientific federation greeting you to attend the 3rd Global Summit on Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine which is going to be held in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation during June 18-19, 2020.

We cordially invite all the participants who are interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the area of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine.

SCRM-2020 predict more than 300 participants around the globe with thought provoking plenary sessions, keynote lectures, Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations. The attending delegates involve Editorial Board Members of related International Journals. This is a peerless opportunity for the delegates from Universities and Institutes to interact with the world class Scientists.

This will bring together world leaders in their respective fields in the mesmerizing environment of Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation. SCRM-2020 Conference is to explore on Current Issues of Frontiers in stem cell and Scaffolds in Regenerative Medicine. The aim of the SCRM-2020 is to advance quality research and real-world collision in an atmosphere of true international cooperation between scientists by bringing together again the world class researchers, International Communities and Industrial heads to discuss the latest developments and alterations in the fields of Healthcare with colleagues from different countries and other parts of Russian Federation.

Conference Objectives:

To facilitate opportunities for networking, collaboration and exchange of ideas with internationally renowned leaders in Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine .

To identify research and practice based innovations in optimizing Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine research and development.

To debate gaps and priorities for sustainable development in optimizing Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine research and development.

To discuss and debate the challenges and opportunities in the new era of optimizing Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine research and development reforms.

To identify opportunities for evidence-based practice in optimizing Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine research and development.

We look forward to seeing you in Russian Federation in June, 2020…!!!

Target Audience:

  • Doctors
  • Professors
  • Researchers on Cell Biology
  • Young Researchers 
  • Bio Medicine Researchers
  • Researchers on Regenerative Medicine
  • Stem Cell Translation laboratories
  • Tissue Engineering Researchers & Scientists
  • Tissue Engineering Associations and Societies
  • Global Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Companies
  • Cell Biology and Molecular biology researchers
  • Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory Heads
  • Cell Biology &Tissue engineering Experts
  • Genetics and Stem Cell Biology Experts
  • Training Institutes 
  • Exhibitors and Sponsors
  • Students Prominent in Cell Biology Therapy
  • Business Scholars from Industries & Entrepreneurs


Giugno 18, 2020
Giugno 19, 2020
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